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New Illusionary Weapons Arrives in LoD

Mar 8, 2018

The smash hit LoD features a new power called Divine Armory, bringing unprecedented fierce fighting experience in visual and gameplay. Also, Guild Camp gives everyone the chance to experience a new play mode. Read on to learn more.

Update Content:

- Divine Armory
- Guild Camp
- City Icon Optimization
- Some bugs fixed

Update Date:

01:00-04:00 March 9th EST
14:00-17:00 March 9th HKT
07:00-10:00 March 9th EU

New Illusionary Weapons: Divine Armory

The ‘Divine Armory' contains the Illusionary Weapons and Ultima Weapons, and is the default place for their activation. Players need to spend Meteorite Ores to activate Divine Armory and unlock corresponding attributes. The 4 types of Meteorite Ores represent the 4 Ultima Weapons: Inferno, Shadow, Light, Radiance.

Each Ultima Weapon has its own Weapon Skill that is available when activation and level conditions are met. Weapon Skill Ultimate uses the same Rage as your normal Ultimate skill but Weapon Skill is not used during Auto-battle.

Guild Camp

Unlocked at guild lv. 6, Guild Camp allows your guild to battle bosses etc. in a mysterious dungeon. Hand a mysterious certificate to Kristine in the Guild Camp to receive a secret map that can lead your guild to a mysterious dungeon which contains great rewards.

Now, let’s introduce the Camp Bonfire.

The Camp Bonfire starts daily at 10:00 PM (default). The Guild Leader can manually set the start time from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. After the Bonfire has started, all players in the Guild Camp area will receive a bonfire reward every 60 seconds. Upgrade the Bonfire to increase its rewards. Use Gold or Diamonds to buy firewood to upgrade the Bonfire. Buying firewood will add EXP to the Bonfire and Bonfire rewards will be obtainable.

The Bonfire's level resets each day, so it must upgrade again to get the best rewards.

Additional Information:

Try out Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings by visiting the following link: →http://lod.gtarcade.com/

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