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New Update Comes with the Pet Tablet

Aug 7, 2017
LoD’s new update has embraced its grand release with Pet Tablet, new functions as well as more optimizations! Come and check what's been updated. 

Update Content:

- Pet Tablet
- Apple Controller Function
- Auto mode in Daily Scenario

Update Date:

02:00-04:00 August 8th EST
14:00-16:00 August 8th HKT
08:00-10:00 August 8th EU

Pet Tablet

Providing new pet skills and additional Attribute Bonuses, Pet Tablet is a new gameplay element for all players! This feature is unlocked at Lv.67. Tap the Pet Button on the lower right,  you will see “Tablet” button by the side of pets. 

Tablet Score

Place Pets within the Pet Tablets to increase its Score. The higher the score, the greater the bonus to BR. A Tablet's score is based on all the upgrades of pets placed in them.The Rank of a pet contributes the most to the score, followed by their Grace. Tablets can have 7 Ratings (SSS,SS,S,A,B,C,D). Each rating represents 10 Augment levels. The higher the score, the higher the rating. 

Special Attributes

Place specific pets in Tablet's special slots to activate special attributes. The more upgrades a pet has, the stronger the special attributes are.

Tablet Skills

Place Legendary, Mythic, and Artifact pets in Tablets to activate Tablet Skills. Higher rank Pets increase the power of the skill. Each Tablet has 1 Passive skill, which can be equipped by players. 
Note: Active skill will be added in the future version.

Tablet Force

The Tablet Force level is based on the total score of all tablets.Tablet Force provides your main character with additional attribute bonuses.

Playing with Controller

My guardians! Have you thought about playing LoD with a controller? It’s only for iOS players this time. But don’t worry, all players can play with controller in the near future!

To better your gaming experience, auto mode in Daily Scenario will be added in this update. Hope you like it!

Additional Information:
Try out Legacy of Discord – Furious Wings by visiting the following link: →http://lod.gtarcade.com/ 
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